Saturday, November 28, 2020

Why not round?

Why round? This question at times raises eyebrows
But relax! Life has its own highs and lows!
Well, there stand a few rounds here and there
And the thought process, too, has a share!

A round and a curve are aspects of divinity to symbolize,
A cut-off-the-corners moulded-square in shape and size,
Eye-path is wide, the angle is better for the sunlight
And perhaps, at times, soothing from every point in sight!

There is a plateau circular overlooking a view,
There is a roundabout cutting a land in a shape anew,
There is an old structure to consider and blend
In each case, a mind has gone straight not to bend!

At one place, a round is contributing a new look around
At another, it has merged with the landscape on the ground!
A world is explored with shapes and sizes tangible to cast
Merry-go-round is here on the planet to forever last!
So, why not round?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

To Goddess Saraswati

Dear Goddess Saraswati,
Your lamp, as I see, keeps on burning
While the pages of education keep turning;
Your wishes to surprise us do not misfire
And we rise higher as your many names inspire;
The world is learning through the lessons that have been learned,
And it's regaining its soulful merits with wisdom earned!

Dear Goddess,
It seems that you have changed your course
As it's hard moving forward with the same resources;
Our formal classrooms are taken over by lectures online
And normal books, pens, and crayons are no longer mine!
Now, the keyboard letters scatter my eyes and shatter my mind
Still, all is fine as my handwriting isn't at all kind!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Another Day Is Gone...

Another day is gone,
Nothing much is done;
I look back at how the day was spent,
Life is shortened; seems normal to repent!

Another day toiled, a day to be forgotten,
A day spent, never again in life it will ever be gotten!
I sit back and think about the life that is shortened
A day that was in my hands but now forgotten!

Another day is tomorrow, I shall get up before sunrise,
Hope never ends: I hope to beat all odds by surprise;
Life ahead, I feel, should be memorable and bright,
For now, I bid all my friends a very good goodnight!

View of Sunset at Mendrelgang, Tsirang